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April 1, 2014
By E.N.Baer BRONZE, Apple Creek, Ohio
E.N.Baer BRONZE, Apple Creek, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I've buried my heart
And held back my love,
I tried not to feel at all.
But time after time,
Truth told me this,
"Hold back and you'll be broken."

I tried to let go,
Let go of my heart,
Tried to let it fly...
But, I simply couldn't.
I couldn't let go,
I held back and became more broken.

Then you came along
And you saw my heart,
Before I even showed it to you.
You saw who I am
Behind all my brokenness,
You saw and loved me more.

I give you my heart, my sorrow, my brokenness,
Now I can love you back.

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