The Air I Breathe | Teen Ink

The Air I Breathe

December 13, 2013
By cj121829 SILVER, Kissimmee, Florida
cj121829 SILVER, Kissimmee, Florida
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
My heart is afraid of the downfall after success.

Nothing is more important than the air I breathe.
Its the first think I thank God for everyday.
Because without the air, the world would be without me.

RIght now, the air is something I can't see.
But that doesn't mean it'll go away.
Nothing is more important than the air I breathe.

I know I smile, but there's sadness underneath.
The air tries to push my sadness away.
Because without the air, the world would be without me.

The air makes my heart feel light and free.
The air has my heart, stole it away.
Nothing is more important than the air I breathe.

It's warmth is what I hide underneath.
It makes me feel a special way.
Because without the air, the world would be without me.

Baby, somehow you've become the air I need.
So with you I hope to stay.
Nothing is more important than the air I breathe.
Because without the air, the world would be without me.

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