Killing Hearts Softly | Teen Ink

Killing Hearts Softly

December 13, 2013
By cj121829 SILVER, Kissimmee, Florida
cj121829 SILVER, Kissimmee, Florida
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
My heart is afraid of the downfall after success.

He looked up to see her,
Walking away from him,
She just walked out on him!

Walking away from him,
She was holding back tears.
Like nothing happened.
The love wasn't there anymore.

She was holding back tears.
He couldn't stand to see her cry.
The love wasn't there anymore.
Problems arose, they could't deal.

He could't stand to see her cry.
He tried to hold her, so she could let it all out.
Problems arouse, they couldn't deal.
They both needed to heal.

He tried to hold her, so she could let it all out.
Pain of love was killing them.
They both needed to heal.
They were killing each others hearts.. slowly.

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