The Chase | Teen Ink

The Chase

March 1, 2013
By BlockingTheSky GOLD, Jupiter, Florida
BlockingTheSky GOLD, Jupiter, Florida
10 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Stay hungry. Stay foolish.

The chase can kill a man
Who fails to make precautions
The chase to find your will and find your art
The chase will find you cold
And see you fall from grace
Because you looked at bones, looked at the start
The chase it not a time
To look at what you have traversed
The chase is a time to see the line
On which
You are
To burst
You may try to avoid the chase
As it has avoided you
But the fact of it is
Your chases are
A lame
The meaning lies
In bluer skies
Beyond the fallen pillars
And underneath the streets
Where children live
Their homes are safe from silence
They live contentedly
Sans fear of hate
And tears
And blood
The chase is not a quitters’ game
The chase is not for fun
For on the chase
You’ll find your place
And live
And breathe
And wish that you were home
You won’t be returning home
After you start in the chase
You’ll see that you belong in newer places
You will be living differently
After you’ve lived through the chase
You’ll find your place
And live
And breathe
And find that you are home

The author's comments:
We all 'chase' the meaning of life, but sometimes we're content with what other people have set out for us. The Chase is a petition to change that, to change people's hearts, to modify contendedness and replace it with curiosity and 'why?'.


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