Stairs | Teen Ink


December 10, 2012
By Abbie2721 GOLD, Minster, Ohio
Abbie2721 GOLD, Minster, Ohio
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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Some people will see you as small and weak. Others will see you as strong and brave, but i doesnt matter how anyone else see's you. As long as when you look in the mirror what you see makes you happy.

These beautiful stairs lead to the end
but not really the end, more the beginning
they come from life and experience
a place where we were once living

they are a stack of all our troubles
a path through all our mistakes
but they lead us to a beautiful existence
where we can breath without a pain

they aren't really a mystery
and they aren't hidden behind blue clouds
yet no one can ever find them
( try to search for them with sounds)

if you chose to laugh at a memory
then yours will be beautiful and blue
but if you cry at a loss,then
they will be rugged with a black hue

neither of these stairs are desirable
though they both may lead to happiness
you want the stairs with pink flowers
and blackness at the bottom and top

these stairs will lead you to eternal joy
where you can keep all your memories
though some may be full of pain
savor them and tell your stories

but don't be choosing to early
it isn't your time quite yet
now here's the way to the flowered stairs
find your most precious memory, then look left

The author's comments:
i dont know

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