An Angel Made of Ice | Teen Ink

An Angel Made of Ice

December 14, 2012
By sheebee SILVER, Grant, Nebraska
sheebee SILVER, Grant, Nebraska
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Strength comes in numbers, but true strength comes in one, who can stand alone against many numbers.<br /> -Shelby

What more can I do,
When the wind is in my face?
When life wants to push me out of place?

The breeze of frosty sickles from a frozen hell,
Whispering a demon’s carol in my ear?
Threatening a wintery tear.

“Look around, my child, you are alone,
you will amount to nothing more, you are of mortal sin”
The words burning like dry ice on skin

Icy pain seeping into the cracks of a warm heart,
Heat vaporizing from the core of my chest,
As the snowflake breath touches it’s crest

The pulse gives out to the brush of the blizzard breeze,
And from my heart the clear crystals of winter,
Pump frozen hope through my veins leaving ice splinters

A demon made of snow,
Created an angel made of ice,
She fell victim to being allured and enticed

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