My Love, Why Have You? | Teen Ink

My Love, Why Have You?

October 12, 2012
By sheebee SILVER, Grant, Nebraska
sheebee SILVER, Grant, Nebraska
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Strength comes in numbers, but true strength comes in one, who can stand alone against many numbers.<br /> -Shelby

My love, you have let me bleed,
You have plucked my heart like an unwanted weed

My love, where have you gone?
What is this hate? What have you done?

Where did it sprout? Why did it grow?
Are you just afraid of what you don't know?

The way you used to kiss my skin,
Now you say you can never go there again

And the way your breath tickled my ear,
The way you said I have nothing to fear

I trusted your arms, that held me so tight,
I trusted your words that brought out the light

But now, my love, there is nothing more there,
And you have nothing left to share

How could you let this be?
Knowing, my love, it would kill me

The angels above are all crying out loud,
Because they brought you to me, down from that cloud

You are my angel that has no wings,
You gave to me, the finer things

But now you say it's time to leave,
Regardless of what we have weaved

Goodbye my love, I say now,
I'm forced to move on, but I don't know how

And alas God will call you home,
And my love, I'm left alone

The author's comments:
I just started writing and this is what came out of my pen.

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