Mine Forever | Teen Ink

Mine Forever

October 9, 2012
By Curtis24 BRONZE, Tustin, Michigan
Curtis24 BRONZE, Tustin, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
~Dont gain the orld and lose your soul wisdom is better than silver &amp; gold<br /> by:Zion Train

I see your mine, forever at last
The peddles dancing like snowflakes
Down to our feet. Our love is like a solid rock.
All I hear is crunch, snap, bang, oops my bad
As my attitude gets stronger,
Our love gets weaker. You’re the one for me,
Well I hope so at least.

The knife that stabs me,
As you hurt me at times, its likes
Hearing the crunch of pebbles,
Getting stepped on when you.
Walk by for the last time.

The smile you give me, along with your hugs.
Its like the sun shining on a warm day.
No matter what you do.
I love you!!!!!
Your mine, forever at last

The author's comments:
it was about somebody that i had missed very much so i wrote this about him.

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