The End Never Ends | Teen Ink

The End Never Ends

June 12, 2012
By PurelyAshlyn SILVER, White Bluff, Tennessee
PurelyAshlyn SILVER, White Bluff, Tennessee
5 articles 7 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;A smooth sea, never made for a skillful captain.&quot;<br /> &quot;Autumn is a second spring in which every leaf is a flower.&quot;

When the end feels like its caving in
Falling just too close to dodge
When the fires licking at your finger tips
The smoke is rising to clench your throat

Hold on to the brightest days
Wonder bout the infinite ways
I learned to love you
And all your flaws too

When the dark encases beating hearts
Curling into butter soft skin
When the pain of knowing holds you down
Pinning you to the emptiness inside

Hold to the ones you got
Never forget what she taught
Cause its only the end
If you let it be

Just hold on
Just breathe it in
Cause as much as it hurts
They’ll tell its got a reason

Just hang tough
Pull them close
Cause they’ll be back
In your sweetest memories

The end never ends
The pain never fades
But if you fall in deeper
Don’t expect miracles to
Pull you out
Cause you got there on your own

Just know

The end never ends
The days wash away
But tears are jewels
That linger in your pockets
Until they’re full
Cause you leave them there to lay

When the end feels like its caving in
Falling just too close to dodge
When the fires licking at your finger tips
The smoke is rising to clench your throat

Hold on to the brightest days
Wonder bout the infinite ways
I learned to love you
And all your flaws too

When the dark encases beating hearts
Curling into butter soft skin
When the pain of knowing holds you down
Pinning you to the emptiness inside

Hold to the ones you got
Never forget what he taught
Cause its only the end
If you let it be

Just hold on
Just breathe it in
Cause as much as it hurts
They’ll tell its got a reason

Just hang tough
Pull them close
Cause they’ll be back
In your sweetest memories

The author's comments:
Yep. :)

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