Nothing Here | Teen Ink

Nothing Here

June 12, 2012
By PurelyAshlyn SILVER, White Bluff, Tennessee
PurelyAshlyn SILVER, White Bluff, Tennessee
5 articles 7 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;A smooth sea, never made for a skillful captain.&quot;<br /> &quot;Autumn is a second spring in which every leaf is a flower.&quot;

Crystal chandeliers twinkling like midnight stars
Rainbows twisted from colored bars
Magnolias reflecting peaceful dreams
Nothing here is what it seems

Fallen angels flutter by
Close your ears but watch the sky
For their is tale of evil fae
Who haunt these hills day by day

Darkness encloses safety ensured
Demons and vampires diseases cured
Weakness flushed from human pale
Listen to the sirens as you sail

Graze your fingers over marble features of a man
Dream of desserts long outstretched and tan
Brush moonlit hair from your eyes
Break the mask fight the disguise

Show me the demons hidden within
For they reveal the truth that we all hide in
Cloak the mermaids shade the pale fae
Bless the unholy and live on this way

Castles of crystal with mirrors lining walls
Rose petals of glass fluttering through the halls
Magnolias reflecting peaceful dreams
Nothing here is what it seems

The author's comments:
I was picturing a world that I'd love and it sort of just started twisting from there. It started flowing out and changing and I didn't stop it.

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