Nita Luttrell | Teen Ink

Nita Luttrell

June 12, 2012
By PurelyAshlyn SILVER, White Bluff, Tennessee
PurelyAshlyn SILVER, White Bluff, Tennessee
5 articles 7 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;A smooth sea, never made for a skillful captain.&quot;<br /> &quot;Autumn is a second spring in which every leaf is a flower.&quot;

Though your voice is mute
We still hear your laughter
Wondrous sound like chimes
At a stories happily ever after

Though your eyes have closed
We still see them smile
Like the coasts crescent
Stretching far beyond the mile

Though your face is solemn
We still see the love
Like a choir of heavens angels
Singing from above

Though your body stills
We still see you dance
Like a drunken fool
Taking a chance

Though you've left your body here
We still see your spirit
Singing laughing smiling
Like the song of love we all hear it

Though we miss you so
We know you are happy
And though it's a dreary day
You're happiness is good enough for me

The author's comments:
My Aunt recently died of cancer. It was an extremely hard even on my family, especially my mother and on her birthday it was painful. I wrote this and another poem for her. Hope you like it.

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