so long ago | Teen Ink

so long ago

January 5, 2012
By jlrn1 GOLD, Newcastle, Oklahoma
jlrn1 GOLD, Newcastle, Oklahoma
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you are going through hell, keep going.<br /> Winston Churchill

i miss my childhood
where i would hang from the trees
and when i was tired
i would stop for the cold breeze
so many things
i had yet to know
but now I'm just looking back
at my child hood so long ago
now i have gained
emotional strength that i have to keep

so many emotional falls
but i tore down the sadness
of my childhood walls
my life is now so indifferent
but people tell me not to be sad
i looked at my self all of my life,
my trials as only a child not much i had
the reality of it all
made me sad

if you had believed something for so long
how can you make yourself believe your wrong
i face the reality of my childhood
it burnt out my angers flame
but i guess i was looking
for the mother that never came
or perhaps that father that had run
what did i do to deserve this what had i done
i had to look after the children
and their lives that i had to keep
how did i even sleep
just a very challenging life
like finding the riddles to many maps
so in the end my life
was not all terrible perhaps
to me my parents
were dust that blew away
so long ago

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