Goodnight | Teen Ink


October 17, 2011
By LoVE_CRazY SILVER, Antioch, California
LoVE_CRazY SILVER, Antioch, California
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I look up at the midnight sky
I see the comets pass me by.
And to my side I see your face
A loving person that cant ever be replaced.

For what I know and where I've come
What we have cant be undone.
So for now just hold me tight
And try to make it through this night.

So what if the morning sun will rise
I have you till then by my side.
For what its worth this is true
I promise to love you no matter what you do.

And with this I kiss you good night
Until I see you underneath the morning light.
So hold my hand, hold it tight
And I will see you in the morning. Good Night.


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