Drugs and Depression | Teen Ink

Drugs and Depression

October 13, 2011
By Ebag12 BRONZE, Bolingbrook, Illinois
Ebag12 BRONZE, Bolingbrook, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
When in doubt, talk it out

A drug addict was tired of his strong addiction,

he felt it was time to stop and do no more,

but now he’s addicted to his prescription.

No one knew what he was feeling; false communication.

The addict grew tired, weak, sore

but now he’s addicted to his prescription.

He was misunderstood, often resulting in an altercation.

It was a common occurrence, a daily thing, a chore

but now he’s addicted to his prescription.

He has a lot of love towards his mom; strong affection.

Comments enrage him from within his core,

a drug addict was tired of his strong addiction.

Now he sits outside wet, nothing but precipitation

running down his face; the only thing to adore

but now he’s addicted to his prescription.

He’s back at the front desk of rehab, filling out his information.

His room is down the hallway; it has a white door.

A drug addict was tired of his strong addiction,

but now he’s addicted to his prescription.

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