From The Heart | Teen Ink

From The Heart

July 15, 2011
By joshua_w PLATINUM, Portsmouth, Virginia
joshua_w PLATINUM, Portsmouth, Virginia
34 articles 0 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;wars come and go but my soldiers stay eternal&quot; -2 pac<br /> &quot;my heart is a box and only you have the key to it&quot;

What did my heart say,How bout this ok?i know i did bad,all i want to o is make you glad

right now i know your mad,which makes me very sad.

i put my hat over my eyes so no one can see my tears

losing you is my biggest fear,id take a bullet for you

take a stab wound,id show you what is love,your like an angel from above,

flying down like a white dovei love you so much,

i knew from the first touch

i had a hunch , were meant to be,its the only thing i can see,

you set me free from the jail im locked in,you are the one i cant live with out

i know that with out a doubt


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