Lovely creations | Teen Ink

Lovely creations

April 24, 2011
By Raybaby SILVER, Sulphur Ok, Oklahoma
Raybaby SILVER, Sulphur Ok, Oklahoma
7 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
&#039;&#039;The world isn&#039;t split between good people and death eaters. We&#039;ve all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That&#039;s who we really are.&quot;<br /> ~Sirius Black

Roses Sweet,
Birds Tweet Tweet!
Daisies sway,
And I lay.
Petunias are beauties
Wonders and aren't Noisy!
Violets so purple
Not green like a turtle
Tulips like cups
With their pollen stem up!
Lilly's like a beauty dragons
that you can also plant in a wagon
Cactus have a sharp points
Just watch your lower oink!
The trees Provide shade
so you can hide from the suns Rays
Plants are a wonder
to our world down Yonder

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