Mother's Curse After Trick-Or-Treaters | Teen Ink

Mother's Curse After Trick-Or-Treaters MAG

By Anonymous

   May they stumble, may they balk

as they scamper down the walk.

May their costumes rip and tear,

May they sneeze in the night air.

Let them tote the heavy load, house by house, block by block,

And let smiles and lots of candy come and answer every knock.

And when the night is over and they stagger home to eat,

may the bag rip wide open , spilling every treat.

May they grovel, may they weep,

As they view the sodden heap.

And may they discover , to their doom,

Not one piece left to consume.

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on May. 21 2010 at 4:02 pm
TheSummoningFreak PLATINUM, Lugoff, South Carolina
41 articles 0 photos 122 comments

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if you can never let yourself fall you'll never know what it's like to love

WONDERFUL i loved it

Snookums said...
on May. 21 2010 at 2:28 pm
Snookums, Boston, Massachusetts
0 articles 0 photos 20 comments

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&quot;Call Me for a good time&quot;<br /> &quot;Get in meh belly&quot;
