... Him | Teen Ink

... Him MAG

By Anonymous

   Heartaches and headaches, tears and sorrow

Where will we be...come tomorrow?

Lies and tales, stutters and lines

What are some other obvious signs?

Quivering smiles and sheepish beams

How long before there be rips in my seams?

Forgiving kisses and a soothing embrace

Is that innocence I read in his face?

Days and nights, weeks, maybe years

How does he do it , calm my fears?

Lunches and dinners, sweet roses that charm

Will I forever be in the crook of his arm?

Pitiful sorrys and pleading eyes

Why can he not deal with good-byes?

Praisings and gushing, how beautiful I am...

He's gone and done it again - oh damn!

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This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 29 2009 at 2:16 am
jennnnnnn BRONZE, Irvine, California
4 articles 6 photos 69 comments
oh my gosh. i feel like i know exactly how you feel, i feel like im in this situation that you're describing.

i really love your poem and how you conveyed your relationship with 'him', i hope to read more of your poems.

itd be great if you could read some of mine too ! thanks :)