The Bus Ride Home | Teen Ink

The Bus Ride Home MAG

By Anonymous

   The Bus ride home is going slow -

Another 15 stops to go.

Apaper airplane whizzes by

And someone just spit in myeye.

The smell of hairspray in the air,

My bratty sisterpulls my hair.

As I look up, what do ya know -

Another 13stops to go.

The driver's music loud and clear,

I think I'mdeaf in my left ear.

A kid who sits in front has candy,

Apiece would surely be quite handy.

I try to get a piece - just one-

But when I get there, he's all done.

As I look up, whatdo ya know -

Another 8 more stops to go.

This cute girl'ssitting in the rear,

I'd rather be there instead ofhere.

But just as I start moving back,

I fall with agigantic crack!

Some stupid kids who think they'recool

Tripped me so I'd look like a fool

I hate to say theirplan did work,

I feel like a humungous jerk.

I'll slip intothe seat and then,

I'll never show my face again.

As I lookup, what do you know -

Another 5 whole stops to go.

MyEnglish book is what I need,

I think I will curl up andread.

Just when I get into the book,

Charlie gives me aweird look.

Kicks me right in the rear end,

And I thoughthe was my best friend.

A "Kick Me" sign was on myback,

And then I get a kick from Jack.

There's hoots oflaughter everywhere,

Because my pants now have a tear.

As Ilook up, what do ya know -

Another 2 more stops to go.

I'mstarting to feel drowsy now,

Just one more stop, almost therenow.

As I start to drift away,

Some kid yells out to me,"Hey! Hey!"

"Your stop has gone and passed youby!"

I feel as if I'm gonna die.

Everybody laughs andcheers,

Right now I think I'm close to tears.

The driverpats me on the back,

"I'll drop you off on the wayback.

Don't be sad it won't go slow

Only 30 stops togo."

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This article has 2 comments.

on Dec. 2 2011 at 3:41 pm
Humanoid_Storm BRONZE, Dhaka, Other
1 article 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
Change is the only constant thing

Humorous! The rhyming was brilliant. Awesome job.

Yasmeen SILVER said...
on Jan. 1 2011 at 5:19 pm
Yasmeen SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
7 articles 0 photos 5 comments
Amazing and funny, has a great twist at the end! Keep it up! If anything, just work on your spacing a bit! Perfect, though!