For Barry | Teen Ink

For Barry MAG

By Anonymous

   If you had loved me,

you would have stayed.

You would have been here,

complaining about the weather,

rather than thousands of miles away

sipping tea under a rainy English sky.

If you had cared,

you would have been here

for birthdays

for Christmas,

for concerts,

smiling out of the darkness,

suffering through two hours of nervous teenagers

desperately struggling through Beatles' medleys.

If I really mattered,

you would know how tall I am,

that I hate pre-calculus,

that I have your eyes.

If I really meant that much to you,

you wouldn't have to ask me now

how old I am.


This article has 1 comment.

on Mar. 15 2009 at 2:29 am
wow its nice to know someone is going thro my pain.that almost made me cry.noone deserves to go thro that im so sorry i wish the one you write about knew how talented you are i loved it and wish you luc with eveything