Untitled | Teen Ink

Untitled MAG

By Anonymous

   I gave you my heart
But I guess you didn't read the label
Because it says:
     Use with extreme caution
     The contents inside may be damaged
     If used improperly.
You didn't use any kind of caution
As a matter of fact
You decided to play a game with it,
And then you broke it
Into a godzillion million pieces
So you picked up all of the pieces,
Put them into a box,
And you gave the box to me
Then you mumbled
"I'm really sorry,
I never meant for this to happen."
For days, weeks, and months
I worked on my heart
Putting it back together
One piece at a time.
But one piece was missing
So I called you,
To see if you had it
You said that you wanted
to keep a piece,
to remind you,
But that you would bring it right over,
You did.
You kept it safe
In a little pink box.
I wanted to show you all the progress
I had made on my heart.
So I showed it to you
And you snatched it up
Into the palms of your hands.
You said that you were sorry,
For ever doing this to me
And I knew you meant it.
So I let you borrow my heart
Only on a temporary basis,
Just for a little while,
The heart that I had worked on
So long and tediously to fix and repair.
And a few days later,
You came over with a little box,
You managed to gurgle the words
"Please forgive me,
I just didn't know what I was doing."
I opened up the little box
And inside
Was my heart
In a godzillion million pieces.

by Anon.,
Kingston, NH

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This article has 1 comment.

Debbie1 SILVER said...
on Jul. 9 2011 at 3:02 pm
Debbie1 SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
6 articles 0 photos 34 comments

Favorite Quote:
"As long as there is life, there is hope."

Wow! This was really touching and just beautiful. I loved it!