Note From My Heart | Teen Ink

Note From My Heart MAG

By Anonymous

   I wanted to show you

A part of my life.

A part -

That you seldom see.

A part -

Special to me.

A part -

Away from the radio and rock,

But you didn't want to come.

I wanted to show you

Something I love

Something I have worked for,

And something you can

Never truly take part in.

I want to show you

My love of Music

I can't explain why

I can sit patiently for hours

At a concert.

I can't express the feeling

I have when I hear

The sweet sound of a soprano sax

Or a muted trumpet.

The Shivers,

The Chills.

My voluntary muscles

- Move -


My feet tap, my head nods,

My fingers move, my body sways,

I want to dance.

I wonder,

How can you sit so still?

I wonder,

Why do you have a faraway look?

Do you feel it?

No, you are bored.

I can't explain to you

This part of my life.

I can't teach you about

Whole notes, half notes, sharps, and flats

I can't make you understand

The escape.

I wanted to show you

Because I can't explain.

You need to feel the rhythm

Need to feel the drums

Tap, tap, tap

Bang, bang, bang

If you would listen

You would hear it,

And then,

You would understand.

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This article has 3 comments.

YoshiBaby said...
on Feb. 5 2010 at 7:10 pm
YoshiBaby, Manteca, California
0 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Falling in love is just falling and sooner or later your just gonna hit the ground and shatter into a million pieces!"

LOVED IT!!! I LOVE MUSIC SOOO MUCH!!! it's my life and i love when i find more people who have the same passion as i do for music...(august rush is awesome btw...u need to see :]) anywayz loved it and ur amazing!!! please write more!! ;)

on Feb. 5 2010 at 5:37 pm
This. Is. Perfect. I've had sooo much frustration trying to make people understand how much music fills my body. It's so hard to explain the way you can not only hear music but you can see it, feel it, make it, BE it. (By the way if you haven't seen the movie August Rush you HAVE to see it. You will LOVE it). But I definitely understand this feeling and the way music basically is your life and who you are. This is such a great poem. I love it.

on Feb. 5 2010 at 1:28 pm
beautifuldownfall, Kkk, Iowa
0 articles 0 photos 20 comments
awesome! :) your enthusiasm really comes out in this piece...