Remembering | Teen Ink


September 8, 2009
By KittyKatie BRONZE, Cold Spring, Kentucky
KittyKatie BRONZE, Cold Spring, Kentucky
1 article 1 photo 1 comment

I sit and stare at the clock
Class goes by slow as sloth
I close my eyes

My mind flashes back
To a horribly sad time
Where I cried my heart out
And screamed in sorrow

My heart jerks me back to the present
I shudder and release a sob
I realize tears are about to pour out
I bring my sleeve up to my face
To wipe away the tears

As soon as my sleeve covers my eyes
Pictures flash across the darkness

She is playing with her ball in the yard
Laying by the backs of my legs
Chasing after the spastic kittens
Barking at the recently rung doorbell

Then she is taking shallow breaths
She can't walk, I must carry her
She starts to drool uncontrollably
She can't breathe

Then she is still
Her eyes glassy and empty
Her tongue hangs out of her mouth
My family cries, pets her gently, and gives her hugs
She doesn't breathe

The author's comments:
For Maggie, the best dog I ever had.


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