Of Dreams, Of Silence, And Pain | Teen Ink

Of Dreams, Of Silence, And Pain MAG

By Anonymous

   Blue girl stands softly underneath the stars

waiting for the sky to turn another face

Blue girl wonders why she feels so cold

so, so cold in this dark, dark place

Blue boy spins around in seas of dreams

trying to find out if he'll ever know the way

Blue boy wonders why he's lost and numb

so, so lost on this dark, dark day.

two lost children dancing in the silence

two alone, two forever quiet

lost in one another yet lost in pain

somewhere in the darkness, somewhere in the rain

Blue girl cries soundlessly in memories of pain

a velvet, blue void covers her sweet skin

Blue girl wonders why and where it hides

what lands, what dreams, and what skies it hides in

Blue boy is drowned by stars, streaming from his eyes

their exquisite, cold sting is sharp upon his lips

Blue boy wonders where it all goes in the end

and what it will be like, his last, final kiss

two aching children dreaming in the silence

two alone, two forever quiet

lost in one another yet lost in pain

somewhere in the darkness, somewhere in the rain

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This article has 1 comment.

on Feb. 15 2013 at 4:10 pm
SapphireLamour DIAMOND, Omaha, Nebraska
60 articles 0 photos 22 comments
Beautiful and sad at the same time