I Am Bleeding Together... | Teen Ink

I Am Bleeding Together... MAG

By Anonymous

   I am bleeding together the colors for a masterpiece:

Pumped with the blues from my veins,

and the raspberry reds from my arteries.

When I sleep and dream ...

there is no rest from the business in my skull.

I see a crayon factory with millions of skilled workers

who mix ... and stir ...

I am bleeding together the colors.

I wake each morning; inhale sketchy thought,

and exhale hues of emotion.

The yellow sun wakes me.

It opens my eyes and I am flooded.

I can see the motions of the people,

and the motions of their mouths: their trite

conversations of the day ahead simplify me.

I am bleeding together the colors.

I walk through the woods when fully awake.

There is a lushness of royal greens that pose

graciously for me. And I adore the trees.

They mute the burning yellow sun.

Thirsty, I look through my garden,

I pick flowers and squeeze the sticky juices

from the violet petals.

I chill a sweet violet sorbet of my own creation.

It cools my blood

and calms my palate.

And I am bleeding together the colors.

The neon lights in an orange grove

engorge my eyes with

their fluorescent intensity.

And I bleed together the colors.

When my masterpiece hangs on the pale wall

and the people are examining it, tasting it,

it still beats with life ...

(twenty-four hours and its juices)

dripping and staining the wall ...

I am bleeding together the colors.

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This article has 3 comments.

on Apr. 15 2010 at 1:49 pm
The way you use the colors is pure genious. TOP NOTCH!!!!!

on Jan. 6 2010 at 4:11 pm
Pantophobia SILVER, Stoutsville, Ohio
8 articles 6 photos 3 comments
i like the way the colors are compared and used and its really good(:

on Jan. 6 2010 at 9:31 am
FlyLikeAnEagle94 PLATINUM, Kingston, Pennsylvania
24 articles 0 photos 13 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I write about me because I know about me," by John Lennon.

I relly like the style that you used to write this. I feel like I know what you talking about. keep it up!