Untitled | Teen Ink

Untitled MAG

By Anonymous

Don't know quitewho I am -
but I'm something more than there -
unaware of my selfpower -
I am slightly unstable -
gone too far to fall back down-
here and now, forbidden to be again -
it's come to be told I amaround -
time for me to ask of myself -
cage the worries of whatyou think of me -
sky falls down upon reality -
and the fantasyhas gone stale -
no place to go to find anything -
denial of whatlies within -
wasted time lying around -
my brightness has faded-
not wanting the facts to be seen -
pretend it never happened-
stars will be seen but not the blackholes -
left to me todevelop my mind -
now that the burn is through -
it's not to becalled pretending -
more like reality faking -
and now it's timeto let the stars fall down.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 17 2009 at 11:10 pm
TrustyJoe SILVER, Russellville, Kentucky
5 articles 0 photos 6 comments
I can relate the most the line #15. I would vote on your article, but it won't let me.