Shadows of Voice | Teen Ink

Shadows of Voice MAG

By Anonymous

Many a new dawn will appear over the valley
Where darkness once fell withgrandiose brutality
The aftermath of pain and spirits will linger
Over theenchanting voice of a fabled singer.
Once they stood there in this singleplace
So alive with passion now are wraiths
Encumbered in memories is thisground beneath
That has seen since the passing of many wizened leaves
Thesunlight shines on the single place
Where she died in darkness, laid down invain.
It is often light where they had once stood over
With hearts as heavyas their eyes were sober
Ran into the shadows to escape their pain
And herblood was washed away with heaven's rains
Her body is gone but her voice is anecho
Singing her dying confession since many years ago.
And those who knowwere haunted by song
As they walked past with a shudder - smiles gonewrong.
A mere fable now an uncertain tale
Of the loss of love, how evilprevailed
Known by few not believed by any
The guilty dead only know thepoint of infamy.
Alas no one knows their war, the strife
As they walk overthe valley of mournful plight.

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on May. 31 2012 at 1:39 am
Kenziemcm13 PLATINUM, Rutherfordton, North Carolina
36 articles 5 photos 38 comments

Favorite Quote:
A simple story can tell an entire story!~~ ME<br /> Pictures tell a 1000 words~IDK :P

Great peice of work! Loved it! Absolutely loved it! May I ask that you read a few of mine they are not nearly as good but I would be honored if you read them and commented what I could do better? Please! :)