Wished | Teen Ink


July 6, 2009
By mari101 SILVER, Lehigh, Florida
mari101 SILVER, Lehigh, Florida
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

i wished upon a star.
and twinkle,twinklethere you are.
i wished upon a dream.
that you and me were meant to be.
but that was what i wanted.
and you just left and taunted.
now look,your with her.
and you left me in such a blur.
but i still wish upon that star.
and twinkle,twinkle there you are.
in my dreams,your hand in mine.
but i was wasting my time.

The author's comments:
i'm in love with my best guy friend and he dosen't love me back. we went out for almost a month and the day he broke up with me was the day before our one month anniversary:[

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