Looking Down | Teen Ink

Looking Down MAG

By Anonymous

My sneakers glide gently above the ground,
Beneath a sad and silentswing,
Beneath a sky from which Persephone was stolen.
Back and forth, backand forth,
Like the ebb and flow of tide.
Up and down, Up and down,
Butultimately down.
They are my constant companions,
Breathing out a deep sighwhen I put them on,
Bearing their trouble and mine to the world,
And whenthe day is done they squeak as I walk in out of the rain.

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This article has 3 comments.

i love this so much!

ShortJeri21 said...
on Mar. 22 2012 at 10:08 pm
I had a desire to make my own firm, however I did not earn enough of money to do that. Thank heaven my fellow said to take the loans. Therefore I received the secured loan and realized my dream.

on Mar. 22 2012 at 9:45 pm
Houses are expensive and not every person is able to buy it. However, personal loans was invented to support people in such kind of situations.