Dear Child | Teen Ink

Dear Child

September 1, 2023
By crystal_silfanus BRONZE, Wolfeboro, New Hampshire
crystal_silfanus BRONZE, Wolfeboro, New Hampshire
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If you are reading this, it means that you have seen the world.

The world that I did know has disappeared, without a trace.

This home of mine began to fade away and go unfurled,

And soon the chaos spread like wildfire in this place.

I fear that I will miss those warm and sunny days of bliss,

The coolness of the rain at night when I am fast asleep.

The flooding took your home and swallowed you in the abyss;

The drought and hunger sunk you down and trapped you in the deep.

My heart feels heavy for what you have seen through your young eyes,

For fear your words will languish in your throat and in your head.

Seek out a friend whom you can trust who comforts you and tries 

To help you understand and cope with sorrow and with dread.

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