Definition of Home | Teen Ink

Definition of Home

July 24, 2023
By adelina_writes SILVER, Nutley, New Jersey
adelina_writes SILVER, Nutley, New Jersey
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Home is an odd word.

They all have only one home,

just one house with two parents

Their home to her was the unicorn.


They all have only one home,

though she's forced to have two homes.

Their home to her was the unicorn,

She only had a parent in two homes.


Though she's forced to have two homes,

they've never felt like home to her.

She only had one parent in two homes,

Both parents are loud as their silence in one home.


They've never felt like home to her,

no matter how cool it sounds to change it up.

Both parents loud as their silence in one home,

it's a matter of time before the silence erupts.


No matter how cool it sounds to change it up,

it's not as fun to be a human telephone.

It's a matter of time before the silence erupts,

their roars never hold back for any young girl.


It's not as fun to be a human telephone,

they'll never believe the messenger's own voice.

Their roars won't hold back for any young girl,

even if she's heard enough.


They never believe the messenger's own voice,

her pleads for a home were wept to deaf ears.

Even if she heard enough,

home will never be the same to her.


Her pleads for a home were wept to deaf ears.

Home is not a safe space for her.

Home will never be the same to her.

Home is an odd word.

The author's comments:

This piece is about how the divorce of my parents affected me. Having two places to be and just trying to please my parents was hard, especially when it came to grades as well. Though, it no longer affects me too much, I still feel bad for the little girl trying to please both parents at once.

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