Romance novels | Teen Ink

Romance novels

June 11, 2023
By bloodr3drubies BRONZE, Bengaluru, Other
bloodr3drubies BRONZE, Bengaluru, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I really love romance novels

There is something about them,

Which plays with my heart’s bells.

I love everything from the cheesiest sh*t,

From the toe-curling smut scenes,

To when the heartfelt words actually hit.

But a question to really ask me is why?

Why do I like these books and these tropes?

I think it is more than just swooning over the “perfect” guy.

I love the concept of unconditional love so much

Maybe ‘cause the girl doesn’t have to give anything back

For just a sweet word or a loving touch.

I love when the characters escalate from enemies to lovers

Maybe ‘cause the guy loves the girl after knowing her flaws,

The guy loves her after seeing her as weed, rather than flowers.

I love when the girl saves the guy, makes him better after his fall

Maybe ‘cause the girl puts in so much effort for him,

This guy who doesn’t deserve her at all.

I love when the guy kneels for the girl, begging her to stay

Maybe ‘cause he is just that crazy about her,

She is just as priceless to him as Sun is to day

But more than that….

Maybe ‘cause I want this kind of love too,

Where to get someone’s love, I don’t have to woo.

For love, I don’t need to get perfect marks or have the perfect “attitude”,

Or always be forced to express gratitude.

Maybe ‘cause I want this kind of love too,

Where my flaws are seen from a very different view.

For love, I don’t have to have “perfect” behavior,

And if I mess up, I won’t be termed as a failure.

Maybe ‘cause I want this kind of love too,

Where someone can save me too and make me new.

Save me from myself, my past, my family,

Who won’t give up on me when things get ugly.

Maybe ‘cause I want this kind of love too,

Where instead of broken pieces, I am someone’s glue.

Where ‘selfish’, ‘disappointment’ is none of my labels,

Where I am reminded I am not worthless, but rather irreplaceable.

Maybe more than want, I crave that kind of love too,

These fantasies helping me get through.

The author's comments:

Ok so I am not really a person who writes poems on not finding love but on that given that a particular romance book along with a cheesy Bollywood movie had taken a toll on me. 

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