Lost In The Sea | Teen Ink

Lost In The Sea

October 3, 2022
By northavenue SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
northavenue SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I feel myself rising up from the sea, as I watch the stormy weather overtake the world

18,439 Red-Lipped Batfish swam their way up through the depths

Allocating to me, “I feel alive”

The milkwhite cherry depths of the sea rose once more, as Cthulu rose from his chamber

The Harsh waves of the Atlantic Ocean hitting me back and forth, igniting me purple like a Grape Fanta

I was always told to eat more as a child, as my mouth mutters words that sound like its closed shut from the maple syrup inside of a French Toast Panini Sandwich

Yet I mutter to those surrounding me words of Nein, and Puedo, when all I want to talk about is why mama wants the son back when I just want the sun back

Until I awake in the villages of moss, and huts in Iceland

Setting as beautiful as a painting made by artist Vincent Van Gogh

I stomp onto the wet dew of the morning with my Jordan 4’s on, the same ones I wore at the Ken Carson show

My Cherry Red, 2005 Ford Escape, unfulfilling the lost space separating my dreams and reality

I fly through the sky like a kick would, shooting out like Bruce Lees's powerful strikes

The feeling of swag envelopes my body, as I feel myself rising up

Waking up, in the back of the class to my teacher calling the name, “Marlee”

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