grief | Teen Ink


October 3, 2022
By northavenue SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
northavenue SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The enemy of white hides between the concrete tiles lined across town

Orange, and white capsules littered along the grey lining

Marking the change that comes with age

Chasing one another around, like a pack of wolves

What was once filled with laughter, brake pedals mimicking a fishing rod

Is now filled with silence, the break between acceptance and nostalgia

Like a herd of sheep, pure, white, and loud

These childhood memories resemble what was once a clear blue sky

Yet its stormy now, with the presence resembling addiction

Eating away at the thought of youth, pushing yourself away from those around you

Happiness, so easily attainable, now only available in forms unobtainable

The hiding place of rain shivers underneath the cots protecting our heads

Laying underneath the old remnants of home

Together, the wolf in sheep's skin.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece in order to look back at memories from my childhood, and compare them to what has changed and what hasn't to the present.

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