Sweet Childhood Recollection | Teen Ink

Sweet Childhood Recollection MAG

By Anonymous

As the fluffy snow
kindly tickled our noses,
Courtney, Shelby, and I
began assembling
the perfect igloo
in our front yard.
The fierce weather couldn’t stop us.
We were determined
to make our icy castle.
As we hacked and chopped
at the chunks of ice,
that the snowplow left alongside the road,
our igloo took form miraculously
before our eyes.
With damp mittens
and frozen noses,
we worked until the day began to lose light.
With thoughts of a cup
of steamy hot chocolate,
we marveled at our masterpiece.
All in a snow day’s play
we had built
the most immaculate winter wonderland.

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i love this so much!