Mary’s Song | Teen Ink

Mary’s Song MAG

By Anonymous

All I want is for Mary to dance,
Mary to dance with me.
All I want is for Mary to dance
To a soft piano tune.
Entranced by a fickle boy,
No one knows how long the train is,
Entranced with counting each single cart,
She can never make it past
One, two, three ...
All I want is for Mary to dance.
Like a ballerina,
She’s trapped inside a music box.
What happens when the music stops?
Will she dance to music
In her head
Or will she fall to the ground instead?
Dear Mary mine,
Dear Mary mine,
Dear Mary mine,
Dear Mary mine,
Dear Mary mine,
Dear Mary mine,
I wrote a song for you, Mary mine,
Played it softly in my sleep.
All I want is for Mary to dance
As the guns fall out
And the police come.
All I want is for Mary to dance
In my content wake
At night.

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This article has 2 comments.

i love this so much!

on Mar. 11 2011 at 4:39 pm
WindDancer GOLD, Lexington, Kentucky
10 articles 3 photos 77 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;It&#039;s time to start living the life you&#039;ve imagined&quot; <br /> - Henry James<br /> <br /> &quot;I read to escape, I write to confront.&quot;

This is.... amazing. Really, really emotional; great job!!

I was pretending it was for me, because my name is Mary and I want someone to write poems for me.

So thanks, in a way :)