The Midst of March | Teen Ink

The Midst of March MAG

By Anonymous

Snow cloaks this white house
in a belated winter shower of

The vicious wind propels the flakes -
A snow globe.
White hits the ground, it thaws -
icy puddles on the pavement.

Can you see this?
Can you feel the cold front,
moving in with its
booming winds,
beating against this window?

As cars pass, I hear their wipers stir
pushing away the
Tires strike against freezing liquid -
billowing amounts
of fountain-like fingers in the air.

I want to play in this snow -
I’d rather feel what it’s like to stand out
in this dreamland
than to sit inside a tongue-tied house.

Still with its dreary green shutters
this aged house stands motionless -
against the last gasp of spring.

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This article has 2 comments.

i love this so much!

on Nov. 19 2009 at 4:37 pm
calephchad BRONZE, Guin, Alabama
4 articles 0 photos 84 comments
Wow. This poem is so inspirational. I love it! This is totally a 5 out of 5. If you want, come and check out some of my poetry. I think you'll find it very interesting. Thanks!