Acrobats | Teen Ink

Acrobats MAG

By Anonymous

I like to watch the sky
before a storm when the clouds get restless,
and tiny droplets of water grow sleepy
and nod off drowsily on their heavenward perch.
Acrobats, they tumble
always downward, toward the inescapable earth.
Perfect glass globes cling to individual strands of hair,
and vanish politely with a shake of the head.
Suddenly the shotgun fires
and millions of their giant brothers are running
in a race fueled by gravity, and I try to call to them,
but they want silence and whisper, “Shhhh!” as they beat the ground.

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This article has 3 comments.

i love this so much!

on Mar. 15 2012 at 5:36 pm
Imaginedangerous PLATINUM, Riverton, Utah
31 articles 0 photos 402 comments
I love the rapid pace of the imagery. :)

Eilatan GOLD said...
on Apr. 19 2010 at 3:48 pm
Eilatan GOLD, Old Greenwich, Connecticut
11 articles 1 photo 307 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Nobody is normal. Everybody in the world is a weirdo freak. Except you, which makes you a weirdo freak."

THIS IS SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I-I can't think of any other way to describe it! the personification if phenomenal and the mood is perfect... i can really relate to thins, i LOVE it! keep writing!!!


p.s. congrats on getting published!