Half Full | Teen Ink

Half Full MAG

By Anonymous

Where does a poem start
In a world that never ceases its dance?
The rain on the tall grass
the geese heading north to unforgotten homes.
Where does the world open up
to your imagination
offering its never-ending abundance
to your divine intention?
The place where a miracle is born.
Working circles around our lives,
the world embraces us in arms of air and water.
Do not hold back your hands
when they rise to the heavens
they whisper, if you never reach out
you will never receive.
And, do not hide your joy
if you never let the world see your light
you will stop seeing the light in the world.
And so the world continues his dance.
A balance of reciprocity.
The rain will never fail to fall
These drops in the grass are what fill your glass
Half full.

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i love this so much!