Aqua Salis Tide | Teen Ink

Aqua Salis Tide

May 19, 2021
By FeeleyWrite BRONZE, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
FeeleyWrite BRONZE, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sometimes I see 'Me',

usually in my hands,

or my legs just after I shave.

It is not often I feel like 'She’.

When you are a closeted trans

self-recognition is a tidal wave.

Enveloped by the sea,

I try not to weep where no one understands,

but I see my name written on a grave

marble memory, truth-in-stone forever where it stands,

and I double over on the sidewalk; a worm in the sun.

When I awake in the darkness, I am stunned

to see me.

Down there, in the salt,

in the continents' open faults.

Down there, I am what, in light, I can not see.

She is beautiful.

She is dehisced.

She is vast.

She is Me.

And as many Trans Women have said in the past,

she is the Sea.

She is the inscrutable abyss,

where fish have no eyes, 

and if removed from their depths, they depressurize

and come undone.

I am full of blobfish,

and I love every single one.

The author's comments:

This is a poem inspired by the struggle of being a closeted transgender girl and the power of self-recognition in things others deem ugly, but I find deeply beautiful.

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