the shape of a heart | Teen Ink

the shape of a heart

April 28, 2009
By marlaa adams BRONZE, Basking Ridge, New Jersey
marlaa adams BRONZE, Basking Ridge, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

What is the pointy end for?
Is it for regret?
No.. its for surprisement
(it stings)
What are the smooth edges for?
Is it for sliding off the love roller coaster?
No.. its for how easily it can glide
(it goes fast)
What are the two bumps for?
Is it for the scare when you fall?
No.. its for the suspense of the whole ride
(its breath taking)
What is the heart for?
Is it for the way two hearts fit together?
Yes.. and its for the sheer fun of getting off The ride- and wanting to go again
One more question… who stole the ticket to
your roller coaster??

The author's comments:
this id to fitz
my bf <3

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