How Long? | Teen Ink

How Long?

May 11, 2009
By Smartygirl625 PLATINUM, El Paso, Texas
Smartygirl625 PLATINUM, El Paso, Texas
20 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Love, for a guy, is just a chapter... but for a girl, its the whole book.

How many times can a heart break
Before it’s not really there?
How many lies can we hear
Before we really don’t care?

How many times can I fall
Before I stop picking myself up?
How many tears can I cry
Before I really can’t stop?

How many people must we meet
Before we find the right one?
How many heartbreaks must we go through
Before we really find love?

How many times must I wish upon a star
Before I realize that it will never come true?
How many times must I cry myself to sleep
Before I finally find you?

How many times will my heart break
Before I lose the will to go on?
How many seconds will pass
Before I realize that this is so wrong?

How many times will we fall in love
Before we just lose our faith?
How many times will get our hopes up
Before our hearts are filled with hate?

We will go through a lot expiriences
And most of them will go wrong
But when you finally get the prize at the end
You’ll be happy that you waited that long


This article has 1 comment.

Anjo! SILVER said...
on May. 17 2009 at 6:34 am
Anjo! SILVER, Roseburg, Oregon
6 articles 0 photos 211 comments
This is SOOOOO AMAZING.. i dont know what else to say besides that. haha. keep writing.