Our Bad Economy | Teen Ink

Our Bad Economy

January 8, 2014
By Keshonna D BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
Keshonna D BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In this Economy we have I believe that the Government is….
corrupted, liars, and they don’t care about the community. Even though that is my opinion i still believe that there are still hard working people in the government today. For example, they take money from hard working people with taxes and what do they use that money for ? Bridges . When you have way more problems that you could use that money for. As well as governors taking money for their own greed. That shows how much they don't care about their citizen money .

Not only are they taking our money they are letting our community become worse than it already is. They tell us they will change our community just to get our votes. For only they let things happen .For example, they hear our cry as their citizens for a better community. Still they pass us by and let the violence and crime rate go as high as they can let it .

Uninformed citizen wondering what's really going on in our government . Hidden information that's important . The decisions that the government makes that also affects the citizens. For example, They hide their opinion or comments on the topic of racial discrimination ; and when they say they don't tell us what really needs to be known.

In conclusion even though i have voiced my opinion on thinking the government is corrupted. Most parts of the government are trying to help their citizens . Sadly that is not enough. Because we need the whole government to want to change D.C; and the whole America together.

The author's comments:
I wrote this because I wanted to let people know what I really thought about our economy. It was really the only way a person my age can voice there opinion on politics.


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