Time’s Up On Extra Time | Teen Ink

Time’s Up On Extra Time

March 13, 2023
By NoahYaffe71 BRONZE, New York, New York
NoahYaffe71 BRONZE, New York, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Don’t make me take it out of your hand!”

The threat is oft-heard as I scramble towards the finish line of a bi-weekly physics quiz. These short exams should be mere grade boosters, yet I am plagued by an insuperable recurrence: the familiar “stupid mistake.” As one of four regular-time students in a class of thirteen, I am hurried by unyielding time constraints. Frustrated by my normalcy, I investigated the extra time system, discovering a need to establish equity, and spare students desperate groveling for “just one more minute!”

Extra time refers to accommodations for students with neurological, learning, and cognitive disorders. To get extra time on school and standardized exams, one must receive a neuropsychological evaluation.  

Unfortunately, securing such an evaluation costs $1,000-$10,000, and there are inconsistencies in the accuracy of diagnoses. These flaws result in an excessive number of extra-time accommodations. A structure meant to level the playing field instead provides some unwarranted advantages, whilst failing to address students lacking ample financial resources. 

According to a 2019 New York Times article, “there is little doubt that the process is vulnerable to abuse… private mental health practitioners operate with limited oversight.” Moreover, “At high schools in the richest school districts…5.8 percent of students held a 504 plan, more than double the national average of 2.7 percent. Some wealthy districts had 504 rates of up to 18 percent.” 

A “504 plan” refers to Section 504 of The Rehabilitation Act requiring schools to offer accommodations. These numbers have grown in recent years, as families abuse this loophole in pursuit of higher test scores– a byproduct of the ruthless college admissions process. 

Those supporting the current system note that not all those applying for extra time are granted an accommodation. This is technically true, as the rate hovers around 90 percent. Such a high number is perplexing, though, as according to a 2021 study, “it is common for extra time to be recommended for students diagnosed with ADHD in the absence of evidence supporting need.”


I do not intend to question the legitimacy of diagnosed disorders and genuine struggles. Instead, I hope to see the extra time system rectified so that those with a need, irrespective of systematic shortcomings, see that need met. 

The steps that must be taken toward achieving this goal are manifold. Studies suggested that the majority of students granted extra time do not use the full allotment, and frequently use none at all. As such, smaller increments of time should be considered to ensure equitable opportunities for success. The process of diagnosis must be federally standardized and policed with greater oversight. Finally, there must be a widespread low-cost option for seeking out accommodations. 


Works Cited

“504 Accommodations.” NYC Department of Education, schools.nyc.gov/school-life/health-and-wellness/504-accommodations. 

Danov, Rimma. “Who Is Eligible to Receive Test Accommodations and How to Get Extra Time on Standardized Tests.” ISER, iser.com/resources/testing-acc.html. 

Goldstein, Dana, and Jugal K. Patel. “Need Extra Time on Tests? It Helps to Have Cash.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 30 July 2019, nytimes.com/2019/07/30/us/extra-time-504-sat-act.html. 

Lindstrom, Will, et al. “Examination of Extended Time Use Among Postsecondary Students with Non-Apparent Disabilities.” Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 2021, files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1342740.pdf. 

Moore, Abigail Sullivan. “Accommodations Angst.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 4 Nov. 2010, nytimes.com/2010/11/07/education/edlife/07strategy-t.html.  

The author's comments:

My name is Noah Yaffe and I am a student journalist at Poly Prep in Brooklyn, NY. I have experience writing a variety of stories for my school newspaper, The Polygon, and for journalism-specific courses. I greatly admire Teen Ink's work to give voice to young journalists and produce content curated for teens. 

The story I have written is a 450-word Op-Ed detailing my perceived flaws of the extra time system on school and standardized exams. I aim to divulge the systematic shortcomings which have led to a disproportionate number of extra time accommodations among wealthy students, and suggest necessary steps toward establishing equity. In my reporting, which I note was inspired by a personal experience, I discovered overt issues in the high cost of neuropsychological evaluations, which are necessary to receive accommodations, but provide inconsistent results due to limited oversight. I support my insertions with several statistics from the New York Times, as well as a recent study on the extra time system. In the end, my suggestions for rectifying these flaws are grounded in fact, and include greater federal oversight, smaller increments of extra time, and a readily available low-cost option for seeking out a diagnosis. 


The story I have written is reflective of my own passion for topics in education, especially as a high school student. I feel that your publication offers a unique opportunity to bring greater awareness to an issue that affects your most important audience: teens. If the story appeals to you, I would be happy to consider adding to the Op-Ed as far as providing more context and going further in eloquently outlining my position. I believe that this is a concise and intriguing piece that your readers would love, and hope it is considered for publication. 


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