Only two genders | Teen Ink

Only two genders

February 26, 2024
By Anonymous

Males and Females. Dating back millions of years, through the biological process of evolution from the reproductive species of humans that we are, through our 46 chromosomes, made of either X or Y, determining the gender even before we are born, through our gender assignment at birth, determined by our biologically predisposed male sex organs or female sex organs, through our gender role conformity, influenced by our cultural norms and expectation that have been manifested in our lives from our behaviors, appearances, and our relationships. 

Polls show that a majority of Americans believe that there are only two genders. A poll taken by NBC News in 2023 showed that the generations, Gen Z to the Silent Generation, showed an average of 65% saying that there are only two genders. The polls indicated through Gen Z to the Silent Generation, there were a majority of people who believed in only two genders. It also states how a dominant 90% of Republicans believe that there are only two genders, and 44% of Democrats believe that there are only two genders. A point of this could be how the majority of Democrats (56%) openly support Marriage Equality, Transgender rights, Military service treatment, and Youth education. Overall, it is evident that as of now the majority of people still believe that there are only two genders as it has been the norm and should stay the norm. 

Transgender (male to female) athletes have an immense advantage over female athletes and are ruining the game. Males are given biological advantages that make the sports in which males identify as females unfair. An example of this from Golf Monthly, where professional male golfers average around a 300-yard drive (around 113 miles per hour clubhead speed) in 2023, with Rory Mcllroy on the high end with 326.3 yards, and Brian Stuard on the low end at 271.5 yards. Compared to professional female golfers, who averaged around a 252.3-yard drive (around 94 miles per hour clubhead speed) in 2023, with Anne van Dam on the high end with 284.5 yards, and Ariya Jutanugarn on the low end at 205.8 yards. Relating to golf, where distance is king to lowering your score and winning more tournaments, having that extra distance on a female tour where course distances are 6200-6800 yards compared to a male course averaging at about 7200 yards makes the course much shorter to the transgender golfer, giving them a giant, unfair advantage.

 Another sport where there are disadvantages for females is swimming. Lia Thomas, a former member of the men’s swimming team at Penn State, won the NCAA D-1 swimming title. He came out at gay in the fall of 2019 after a year of hormone replacement (starting on May 19th, 2019). In his three races, the 100-yard, 200-yard, and 500-yard freestyle, he would dominate them all, taking first place in every event. This display of domination is clearly an example of how athletes, identified male at birth, have too big of an advantage over female athletes due to the greater biological predisposed strength. By allowing athletes to identify as the opposite gender opens the door for unfair advantages when they play opposite gender sports and should not be allowed regardless of hormone replacements due to the biological advantages from birth all the way until the hormone replacement. 

In conclusion, the prevailing belief among the majority is that there should only be two genders, largely due to biological differences at birth, adherence to assigned gender roles, and the enduring cultural belief in having only two genders. 

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on May. 14 2024 at 8:20 am
MadgirlPrincess BRONZE, Oxford, Other
1 article 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you can't communicate, the least you can do is to shut up." - Tom Lehrer

Your argument is weak. You say that there should be only two genders, but then you go on to rail against people transitioning from one binary gender to the other and completely neglect non-binary people. In addition, you fail to mention trans men (eg Elliot Page or Chaz Bono) or trans women who transitioned before puberty (e.g. Yasmin Finney or Kim Petras). Your only reason is that trans women may have an advantage in professional sports (any arguments against transgender accountants).