should models be photo shopped? | Teen Ink

should models be photo shopped?

May 26, 2014
By oyuki aviles BRONZE, Austin, Texas
oyuki aviles BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Do you think they should photo shopped models from the magazines? For my opinion they should not, because some models get angry or feel discontent with there bodies, too if they photo shopped all the models there not going be unique.
Other people think photo shopped is ok because there are not in models shoes. Some people see the models in magazines and they want to be like them but they can’t because it’s all photo shopped. Some females exaggerate and starve out of died and some do a lot of exercise then people will judge about the models how they look, some people wants to be like them how they look in the magazine some of that people gets really frustrated because they can’t be the same like them because they are photo shopped.
Some females don’t feel security with there bodies because some of them feel ugly or fat they see models in tv or magazines, if the female doesn’t get skinny or better some of them kill them self. They put a lot of things in there bodies that can affect something from the inside and die. Like one famous woman she did a lot of stuff to her body she went to the hospital it was somber.
Don’t photo shop the models just stop your gone make a model feel fat, ugly and make the model quit her job.

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