BE you | Teen Ink

BE you

February 3, 2014
By Lacey_25 BRONZE, Climax Springs Missouri, Missouri
Lacey_25 BRONZE, Climax Springs Missouri, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
:His feet are as swift as rolling thunder, he carries me away from all my fears and when the world threatens to fall asunder, His mane is there to wipe away my tears." Author Unknown

They say it’s all just words. You just hear it. Yes you can just hear it, but you can also feel it, see it, know it’s there TO know its true to believe in, and who to believe into.
It’s like saying a caterpillar can’t grow into a butterfly, it’s like saying a dog doesn't bark, it’s like saying you can breathe without oxygen! Do you know what I’m saying?
We all have words to change the nation, but we bite our tongues, we have hearts as loud as lions so why let our voices be tamed? We have the light to fight the shadows. So why do we hide away? Can you hear what I’m trying to say?
We stand united as we also fall down. We get back up after being pushed to the ground. We brush off the stupidity we hear, and let it go in one ear and out the other. So why should we fight each other?
How do you feel, what do you see in life as our generation just keeps changing over and over again. Life is like a roller coaster. We spend our lifetime in silence afraid we will say something wrong... is anything EVER wrong? Think about it. They say there are no wrong answers, so why do get told different when we try and speak out actions or our opinions?
We are all a little different there’s no need to feel ashamed.
What do you have to hear? Speak it. Let people hear it and learn it. Take a stand for yourself. Believe IN YOURSELF in every single way. It doesn't EVEN matter, what people say.

The author's comments:
Just got into the mood.

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