My "Happy" Place | Teen Ink

My "Happy" Place

May 21, 2013
By keriksson3104 BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
keriksson3104 BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My “Happy” Place

Everyone has a place where they can be happy. Even the grumpiest people out there can find peace somewhere. For some people it’s at work, others at home, or perhaps their grandparent’s home down state somewhere. I personally find my happy place 300 miles north of Chicago at the lake, where I can escape from the suburban life. The lake is like a hole in the clouds letting the sunrays find their way down to earth. Before I leave to head up, my dog cooper gets excited and anxious. Even he knows where were about to go. Around 200 miles up, I finally feel the point where the sun hits me and my shoulders drop into comfort. All tension and drama cant follow me beyond this 200-mile mark. From here on out, everything looks a lot brighter. At that 300 mile mark as I pull into the driveway I let out that sigh of relief. Cooper instantly jumps out of the car to pursue his usual rotein. He runs around the house, down the hill, onto the dock, and into the water. The smell of pine trees and campfire rains down on me as I step out of the car. My bags can wait. I can always unpack after my brother and I head down to the lake for a quick ski run. The sun is right above the horizon creating the perfect image off the reflection of the lake. A sight that brings joy to anyone. This is my “happy” place.

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