Fake friends | Teen Ink

Fake friends

July 18, 2024
By Anonymous

You may have a friend that starts acting weird or not treating you how you deserve to be treated. This is the time to let them go before they go too far. Always remember god removed people from your life because he heard conversations you didn’t. Sorry if you’re not a Christian I know it’s is a very controversial topic. Now, bullies and fake friends not only have the resources to be mean at school but online too which is why you have to be really careful. They can say or do mean things. Some may try to convince you to commit suicide but never do it because there are always greater things and opportunities ahead. I used to have these thoughts and still do sometimes but I have found a group of friends that made me feel loved and who treat me how I deserve to be treated. It got better for me and I know it will for you too. Thanks for reading and keep hanging in there it will be alright!

The author's comments:

I got bullied a lot in middle school and still have 1 more year of middle school left but I am transferring to a new school for my final year and I met a couple people there who make me love myself again.

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Clarabeara said...
on Jan. 4 at 3:16 am
Clarabeara, Cincinnati, Ohio
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“You will never reach higher ground if you keep pushing others down”

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