Friendship Bracletes | Teen Ink

Friendship Bracletes

October 27, 2023
By Sullymcs123, Sherborn, Massachusetts
Sullymcs123, Sherborn, Massachusetts
0 articles 0 photos 4 comments


Recently Braden had felt like he was being watched, which drove him insane. He began to let all of his emotions out on his best friend Ben. Seeing what he'd done to Ben, he began to feel great remorse and regret. He wanted to get over the tension by planning a camping trip. Ben agreed and he decided to choose a campsite. As they arrived Braden had felt the same feeling he had felt the past few weeks. Like someone was stalking him. His feelings grow stronger as the trip continues on. Ben begins to feel scared to. How was watching them? What is to come of unsettiling their camping trip in the woods?

Sullivan M.

Friendship Bracletes

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This book has 1 comment.

Sullymcs123 said...
on Jan. 29 2024 at 9:43 am
Sullymcs123, Sherborn, Massachusetts
0 articles 0 photos 4 comments
Enjoy the book!